Re: Summary of opinions on Negotiate header

> If you can think of something shorter than `Negotiate: tcn', please
> let me know.

How about including "tcn" (no /) in the Accept header?
It would also shorten the 'Vary:' response header.

     GET /paper HTTP/1.1
     User-Agent: WuxtaWeb/2.4
     Accept: tcn, text/html, application/postscript, */*

"I will accept a rendering which is really just a list of other

I had some fantasy where 'tcn' was like 'multipart/alternative' and 

     {"paper.html.en" 0.9 {type text/html} {language en}},
     {"" 0.7 {type text/html} {language fr}},
     {""   1.0 {type application/postscript} {language en}}
was thought of as a shorthand for:

Content-Type: Multipart/Alternative; Boundary="#"

Content-type: Message/External-body;access-type=URL;URL=""

Content-type: text/html
Content-language: fr
Content-quality: 0.7
Content-type: Message/Externalbody;access-type=URL;URL=""

Content-type: application/postscript
Content-language: en
Content-quality: 1.0

Received on Tuesday, 24 September 1996 15:48:50 UTC