RE: Sitcky headers and pipelining (was: Sticky header draft -- as an attachment)

At 02:02 PM 8/7/96 -0700, Paul Leach wrote:
>I think the simplest fix is to require a client that wants to pipeline
>and use sticky headers to wait to start taking advantage of sticky
>headers until it has seen a response from the server agreeing to use
>sticky headers. I think this extra RTT wait is OK because I think the

I agree that this is the best solution to the problem, if only because it's
the simplest.  I know it's the simplest, because it's the one I first
thought of, and if I thought of it....

This rule probably should apply to any future Connection features/extensions
as well.

Daniel DuBois, Software Animal 

Subject: Sorry
From: Dedi Shy <>
Newsgroups: sci.chem

I'm afraid that if someone will do a query on me in Deja News research 
service he'll think I'm a real shallow person cuase all the newsgroups 
I'm writting to begin with So I'm writting to all the 
intellectual newsgroups also, so they'll see I'm really smart. Sorry for 
the disturbance!

Received on Wednesday, 7 August 1996 14:36:04 UTC