Re: hit-metering poll

On Tue, 6 Aug 1996, Paul Leach wrote:

> I need data from any content providers on this list!

It isn't content providers you need to ask - it is the people who write
the log analysis programs. Few people roll their own. I am one of those
people who have written a log analysis package for public use
(<URL:>) so....

> When you do hit counting:
> Do you count HEADs and GETs as hits?

I count whatever the server writers put in their log: GET, HEAD, POST -

> Do you count conditional GETs that return 304 (Not modified) as hits?
> (I.e., where the requester already had a copy of the page, and was just
> checking to see if it was up-to-date.)

Yes. I also account for them seperately to allow measuring how significant
code 304's are on a particular server. I *don't* count codes 302, 400,
401, 402, 500 or 501, except in seperate categories just for those codes. 

Benjamin Franz

Received on Tuesday, 6 August 1996 12:09:25 UTC