Almost draft 04 of HTTP/1.1

This message announces the availability of what is almost draft 4
of the HTTP/1.1 specification.  After a final round of review and
edits this week, it is what we hope to submit to IESG for proposed
standard.  Please take this chance for a final sanity check on our work.

Various versions of the (almost) draft can be found from this page:

This draft is a major improvement over draft 03, and simplifies the
protocol in a number of areas.  It also clarifies most of the terminology
problems we were having, and we hope is now understandable by mere mortals.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have taken
the time and trouble to contribute to this effort.  The result is much
greater than it would have been otherwise; I am finally quite happy with
the result of our efforts.

				Your editor,
					Jim Gettys
					World Wide Web Consortium and...

					Digital Equipment Corporation
					Internet Software Business Unit

Received on Tuesday, 28 May 1996 19:57:21 UTC