Re: Is creator-displayname protected ?

The Tamino behavior is a bit surprising (i.e. one would expect that
the version would just have a copy of the DAV:creator-displayname
of the VCR at checkin time), but 3253 does give implementers a lot
of latitude wrt how they handle this property, so this doesn't
violate any MUST requirements.


Edgar on 08/12/2003 03:30:53 PM:

> Hi,
> I'm testing my client with Tamino. Before checking in I proppatched
> creator-displayname. 3253 doesn't say it's protected.
> But after checkin Tamino used my username as creator-displayname.
> That ok ? 3253 doesn't say much on this topic.

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2003 23:36:39 UTC