RE: how to specify extension features in response to OPTIONS requ est

>    > From:
>    > []On Behalf Of
>    Sohn, Matthias
>    > Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 10:20 AM
>    > To: Ietf-Dav-Versioning@W3. Org
>    > Subject: how to specify extension features in response to OPTIONS
>    > request
>    >
>    >
>    > Hi,
>    >
>    > is it possible to specify extension features (that are not
>    defined in the
>    > DeltaV spec) in the response to a OPTIONS request ?
>    It's possible, but I would strongly recommend not to do that.
> Why ?
>    If you need a non-intrusive way to signal server extensions,
>    use a custom
>    live property.

Because OPTIONS headers don't have a concept of namespaces -- it's just a
flat namespace. WebDAV properties are identified by (namespace, name), so by
definition there won't be any confusion. Finally, the PROPFIND semantics
defined in RFC3253 allow you not to report your extension property unless
somebody (your client) is specifically asking for it.

Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2002 05:32:30 UTC