Copy/Overwrite (section 1.7)


given two collections with version controlled members:

- a with member VCRs m1 and m2
- b with member VCRs m2 and m3

What is the expected result for

Destination-URI: b
Overwrite: T


(let's assume no auto-versioning for now)

Based on RFC2518 only I would expect a collection b with members "m1" and
"m2". However, RFC3253 clarifies that COPY/Overwrite updates (and doesn't
replace), so I'd expect the following members of "b":

- m1 (newly created, whether it's versioned or not depends on the automatic
versioning behaviour of the server)
- m2 (updated when m2 already was checked out, untouched when checked-in)
- m3 (unchanged)


Received on Monday, 18 March 2002 08:49:02 UTC