RE: DeltaV Lack of global properties

> Just to be pedantic for a minute, if the client was totally versioning
> unaware then they would be unaware that versions of the
> resource exist, or
> the need for "global" properties.  A versioning unaware
> client would set a
> dead property on an autoversioned version-controlled
> resource, and that
> would be carried forward through subsequent versions of the resource.

But they would be aware of the need for a property like
"Editor-in-Chief", they may need to get or set the value of this

> Ok, so if a client was, say, versioning aware (i.e., knows
> versions exist)
> but versioning challenged<g> (i.e., cannot make versioning
> calls) then they
> could query the DAV:version-history property of the VCR
> (using PROPFIND) to
> get to the version history resource and set properties there (using
> PROPPATCH).  It would not require any versioning specific methods to
> implement the "global" properties.

But they would also potentially know about the property
"Editor-in-Chief".  And the versioning-aware client can look at past
versions, where the "Editor-in-Chief" property really should not have a
different value.

So how are the two clients supposed to use the same property


Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2001 12:29:05 UTC