Re (2): Labels and Status

"Lisa Dusseault" <> wrote:
> Yes, many versioning systems have "status" properties on versions, and
> the "status" property should be mutable, i.e. should be writable without
> creating a new version.
> Thus, versioning needs a general way to allow creation of custom
> properties which are mutable, AND custom properties which are immutable.
> The server would of course reject requests for mutable properties if it
> does not support mutability, but we need a standard way for clients to
> ask for this.
I saw no reply to that yet so I will give my $0.02.
I think a mutable status property is essential if I want to do some
document management.
To be more flexible I also would want to to have at least arbitrary
mutable properties to add to a version.
Or can I mimic that by adding multiple labels to a version ? E.g.
doc#1 status_accepted, author_edgar
doc#2 status_working, author_lisa (sometimes authors of documents change)

Cheers, Edgar

*          DOSenfreie Zone.        Running Native Oberon.         *
Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler.     Albert Einstein

Received on Saturday, 3 February 2001 17:20:42 UTC