fetching from a baseline on a readonly server

As a variant of my previous question, how would I fetch a particular file
from a particular baseline on a readonly server? Specifically, if I'm not
allowed to do a MKCOL, a BASELINE-CONTROL, or an UPDATE (on an existing
baseline selector), then how can I use a baseline?

Conceivably, I could get the version-history for a given VCR, use a
DAV:baseline-version report to find the specific version of that collection,
get the collection version's members and execute DAV:baseline-version on
those, etc. But this is a far cry from random-access to a specific path
within a baseline.

Note that I can't simply use the Depth: header, as that would apply "once"
to the collection version history (which has no children); the Depth header
would not apply to the collection versions.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2001 14:23:33 UTC