Re: CHECKOUT of a baseline

This needs to be fixed up slightly.

   From: "Geoffrey M. Clemm" <>

   ... specify the semantics of MERGE that the order of operations
   when merging an activity are:

   1 - check-in working resources
   2 - merge versions into merge targets
   3 - check-in baselines
   4 - merge baselines into merge targets

In step 3 (which should say "check in working baselines"), a working
baseline does not have any particular baseline-controlled collection
that it is associated with (only baseline selectors have that
association), so it does not know which collection to scan for
checked-in versions.

So we have to modify step 3 to say:

3 - check in working baselines, using the baseline-controlled collection
of the merge target of that working baseline.

Now I think we're OK.  (Assuming it's OK with Greg :-).


Received on Thursday, 4 January 2001 23:50:17 UTC