RE: Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 4/6/01 (Friday) 12-1pm EST

A version-controlled configuration is always associated with a
baseline-controlled collection (and is used to capture the state
of the configuration rooted at that baseline-controlled collection).
Since you can always check-out/modify/check-in the members of the
baseline-controlled collection, this effectively lets you modify
that membership of that baseline-controlled collection, unconstrained
by the current state of the associated version-controlled configuration.

In contrast a "baseline", like any other version, is always immutable.


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Stein []
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 2:34 AM
Subject: Re: Versioning TeleConf Agenda, 4/6/01 (Friday) 12-1pm EST

On Sun, Apr 08, 2001 at 12:04:06AM -0400, Clemm, Geoff wrote:
>    - should version-controlled configurations always be in the
>      checked-out state?
> One more topic was raised, which was a proposal that a
> version-controlled configuration should always be in the checked-out
> state.  In particular, it would be initialized to be in the
> checked-out state, and that DAV:keep-checked-out is implicitly
> applied whenever it is checked in.
> The motivation for this proposal is that being "checked in" means
> that the state of the resource should be the same as that of the
> DAV:checked-in version of the resource, and that it must first be
> checked out before this state can be changed.  But it is always
> possible to change the state of a version-controlled configuration,

"always possible" ?? How is that? This proposal seems predicated on a VCC
being mutable, but I don't understand why that would be so. I seem them as
quite immutable.


Greg Stein,

Received on Monday, 9 April 2001 13:19:04 UTC