the Workspace header

In my notes from the con-call, I alluded to a problem with the
Workspace header.  The problem is that it is incompatible with
common web server extension mechanisms

In particular, a common way of extending a web server is to declare
that a certain module owns the URL space below a certain defined
point.  The web server then looks at an incoming request-URL and
passes it to the appropriate module.  With the Workspace header, you'd
have to make the versioning module take over the *entire* request-URL
space (i.e. the whole web server), since any request-URL with a
Workspace header would have to be sent to the versioning module.

So this means that it is unlikely that servers that have this form of
web server extension mechanism will support the Workspace header,
which makes it a source of non-interoperability.


Received on Saturday, 7 October 2000 09:00:15 UTC