RE: Change to charset registry for "ECMA-cyrillic" (updated)

IANA <> wrote:

> Your request has been processed.  The character set registry now appears as
> follows:
> Name: ECMA-cyrillic
> MIBenum: 77
> Source: ISO registry (formerly ECMA registry)
> Alias: iso-ir-111
> Alias: KO18-E
> Alias: csISO111ECMACyrillic

Jennifer, you've made the same mistake twice!  That should be Latin capital
letter I in there, not digit 1.  (KOI, Kod Obmena Informacii, is the same KOI
in both KOI7-switched and KOI8-E.)

Also folks, do you think we should also include the following note in the
registry right after the above:

NOTE: The description of this charset in RFC 1345 is INCORRECT.  The only
correct and authoritative description of this charset is the registration
document in the ISO registry, a scan of which appears at the URL given above.


Received on Friday, 6 February 2004 14:53:22 UTC