UTF-16 and Mozilla

Erik forward me the message MURATA Makoto
<murata@apsdc.ksp.fujixerox.co.jp> send out about "UTF-16 HTML documents
are available,". I know our code currently handle both endian but not
handle sorrgate part correctly. Any volunteer want to fix that in
Mozilla source ? Tell me if you want to fix that and I could point you
to the right file ....

Frank Tang
BTW, tell veryone about Mozilla Language Enabling Project -
www.mozilla.org/docs/refList/i18n/scripts.html and ask them to join. It
is now our chance to make world class browser support Unicode better.

--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Sunday, 31 May 1998 09:10:59 UTC