Get Quick Results!

***** The BEST Way for YOU to Market Successfully *****

********5 Million E-mail Addresses Available ********

Nothing works better than mass e-mail to get quick results.  

There are plenty of programs you could buy such as 
Floodgate to pull your own addresses however, these 
programs (even when used properly) can take up to 6 months
just to pull as many as 750,000 addresses!  And after 
THAT time has elapsed you're database will have plenty
of addresses that are undeliverable.  

Why wait?  Get started by using our SUPER responsive list 
that was generated just last month!  We purchase current lists

Imagine 5 Million deliverable addresses that can 
bring you more orders than you have ever seen!!!  Imagine, 
the potential profits from your offer(s)!  If you only get
1/2 of a percent that's 25,000 orders!!!

These addresses can be mailed using Pegasus or other
mailing programs.  Everything has been saved in a text
(.txt) format.  Each group of names comes in lots of 100,000.
You can mail any quantity you wish!  Just drop the quantity
you want to send and that's it!

This list originally cost over $3000.  I'm offering the complete list
for only $159. 

That's right OVER 5 MILLION addresses for only $159.  Think
about it.  If you get just 1/2 of a percent that's 25,000 orders!!!
Do you think you could turn a profit?

This list will be sold to ONLY the first 25 people who respond.  

PLUS, I'll include FREE... a special report that will show you how 
to mass e-mail without losing your dial-up account.  Also, this report
will show you where to get a bullet proof space and e-mail account 
for mass mailing.  This report alone is worth the purchase price.  
Let's face it, if you can't mail successfully then what good are the 

If you ever wanted to see a ton of orders come pouring in 
this is the ONLY WAY it can happen for so little money.

This incredible offer will expire after 25 sales.
Don't delay act now!

Have questions?  Call 714-288-6227  

FAX your order to: 714-288-6233

********************* ORDER FORM *******************

Yes, RUSH me the entire 5 million e-mail addresses right away for just $159!
(Print this out and Fax it to 714-288-6233)






E-mail Address:_______________________________

Phone Number:_______________________________

I wish to pay by:      ( Check One )

Master Card:_____ VISA:_____ American Express:_____ Check:_____ Money Order:_____

Card Number:__________________________________

Exp. Date:_______________


Once we have recieved your order you will be notified by e-mail 
immediately where to download this offer.  


***I also do bulk mailing if you want to have me send your ad out. The
price is $199.95 per 100,000 e-mail addresses and I'll place your Home 
page on a server for 1 month.  This way you never have to worry about
losing your space account.

If you want to be removed from our mailing list just hit "reply" and put
"remove".  You will be remove pronto!

--Boundary (ID uEbHHWxWEwCKT9wM3evJ5w)

Received on Thursday, 16 January 1997 12:30:15 UTC