RE: Alt-Svc over DNS

Hi Ben,

This is an interesting proposal. I like that this could provide a pathway to launching QUIC connections without depending on legacy HTTP. 

Some thoughts:

This seems a bit like delegated Alt-Svc. Responsibilities for advertisement are no longer solely the Origins responsibility.

Is "clear" accommodated? There might be some subtle differences in how a client maintains their cache here. E.g we have a client that touches the cache on every response with Alt-Svc, an alternative can quickly remove itself by issuing clear before the ma expiration. 

Presumably in cases where the host is omitted from Alt- Svc record, a client must also wait for A or AAAA. How would it know which IP to use here? This seems to introduce a change, currently a particular IP advertises it's alternatives. Is there a danger of resolving to the wrong thing? Do we need a AAAALTSVC record ;)

Kind regards 
From: Ben Schwartz []
Sent: 16 January 2018 17:25
Subject: Alt-Svc over DNS


As Mike Bishop noted last month, "Alt-Svc in DNS keeps coming up" [1].  Now Mike and I have a draft describing how that would work:

Putting Alt-Svc information in the DNS offers both performance and privacy advantages.  Please take a look!


P.S. I admit this design bears a suspicious resemblance to Erik Nygren's "B" record proposal from 2014 [2].


Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2018 19:00:25 UTC