Re: Definitions: caches, history buffers, etc.

I think we have almost converged.  I think the remaining confusion
stems from an unstated distinction between "ideal" behavior and
"reasonably good practical approximation to ideal" behavior.

Let me try to illustrate with these trial definitions (which I
am not suggesting are all worth putting into the spec):

ideal cache
	exists to model the origin server's responses to requests.
	Semantically transparent to the user for all practical
	purposes, but should improve performance according to
	one or more metrics.

ideal history buffer
	records what the user has seen during past interactions,
	and provides a means for the user to revisit those views
	exactly as they were seen.

ideal location log
	records what locations the user has visited during past
	interactions; provides a means for the user to revisit
	those locations to discover their current contents.

practical cache
	exists to model the origin server's responses to requests.
	Semantically transparent to the user, except that the
	origin server, user, or cache administrator may choose
	to compromise transparency in the service of performance
	or availability.  Should improve performance according to
	one or more metrics.

practical history buffer
	records what the user has seen during some subset of
	past interactions, and provides a means for the user to revisit
	those views exactly as they were seen, or as best as can
	be approximated given finite buffer space.

practical location log
	records a subset of the locations the user has visited during
	past interactions; provides a means for the user to revisit
	those locations to discover their current contents.

I'll note right away that I don't know if any existing browsers
make a clear distinction between the history buffer and the location
log, at least in their user interfaces.  That doesn't mean that we
can't make the distinction, at least for the purposes of discussing
these in the context of the HTTP protocol specification.

So what does this mean?  First, I think we can agree that the HTTP
specification should include some constraints on the behavior of
caches, but should also leave some of the behavior up to the
implementer or user.

Second, I think we have no choice but to leave the behavior of
a history buffer up to the browser implementor, although we might
specify that if a browser confuses the distinctions, then any
resulting erroneous behavior is not the fault of the servers or
proxies.  A browser implementor may choose to use the browser's
cache to approximate the history buffer, in which case it's possible
that a user will see something other than the "historically
accurate view" of a page, but that's between the user and the
browser vendor; it's not something we can fix in the protocol

This includes issues such as "does 'subset' mean terminal subsequence?"
and does "approximated mean one can retrieve a new copy of the page
if the old view didn't fit into the buffer?"  Although we might
want to make a few "recommendations" here.

Similarly, the implementation of a location log isn't something
we can specify, although we could recommend that (for example)
it includes a terminal subsequence of the locations visited.


Received on Wednesday, 10 January 1996 22:32:25 UTC