cache validators

I don't have time to carefully read all of the messages that
have arrived on this topic today, and I'm sure that there are
things in them that I should think about.

But I'd like to try to propose a compromise on the names of
what I've been "cache-conditional headers" (to try to be as
neutral as possible about it), that might solve this argument
by avoiding it.

Therefore, I'd like to propose replacing:


from my previous drafts with


so that neither the word "validator" nor the word "identifier"
nor the word "Token" appears in a request header.  It also
makes it easier to remember what these mean, I think.

That leaves
which I propose changing to:

If you want to read this as an abbreviation for "Change-token-Value"
or "Cache-Validator" or "Conditional-retrieval-Value", it doesn't
matter to me.


Received on Saturday, 13 April 1996 00:26:20 UTC