Re: Warning: header, need origin

    I just had a lengthy conversation with a couple of folks developing
    web browsers for PDAs, where they expect long periods of disconnected
    operation and will want to cache pages until their devices come back
    in IR range. This application seems like a perfectly reasonable one
    where the cache is going to ignore any 'max-stale' requests, and I'd
    like to make sure that the wording in the spec makes their application
    continue to be legal, at least with some caveats.
The spec specifically allows a cache to disobey "max-stale" directives
(on requests or responses), but it must attach a Warning to any
stale response.

The spec specifically prohibits a cache from disobeying "must-revalidate"
directives, period.

In order to meet Koen's requirements for reliable cookie support,
the spec has to have a MUST someplace in it.

If your PDA people want to implement a *history* mechanism, that
doesn't have to obey the rules for caches.  If they treat it as
a cache, it has to obey the rules.

    >I.e., you need an unavoidable mechanism to require at least conditional
    >validations on every access.
    but this really isn't possible. At best, the implementor of the PDA
    application can warn the user that the information is out of date.

The PDA application would say "failed to contact server".


Received on Tuesday, 9 April 1996 01:05:28 UTC