Re: Warning: header, need origin

    The Warning: header as proposed is insufficient to be useful. Each
    warning header must be associated with the identity of the
    proxy/server which created the warning. Without such
    identification, it will be difficult or impossible for the user's
    trouble/help desk to do anything to resolve the cause of many

This was discussed at the LA meeting, and is "fixed" in the current
draft I'm trying to finish.  I've appended the relevant section below,
for people to comment on.  (Comments requested; flames ignored.)
I can't remember who came up with this suggestion first.

    Would it be a violation of the spirit of HTTP to required an
    ordered relationship between forwarded by: headers and warning:s?
    That is, warnings must immediately follow the forwarded header
    inserted by the proxy/server which issued the warning.
The Forwarded: header has been replaced by the Via: header, and
there is only supposed to be one Via: header (with perhaps multiple
items).  I think this is probably more trouble than it's worth.

   Warning headers are sent with responses using:

       Warning = "Warning" ":" warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text
               [SP language-tag [SP charset]]

       warn-code = 2DIGIT

       warn-agent = ( host [ ":" port ] ) | pseudonym
                       ; the name or pseudonym of the server adding
                       ; the Warning header, for use in debugging

       warn-text = quoted-string

   A response may carry more than one Warning: header.

   The warn-text should be in a natural language and character set that
   is most likely to be intelligable to the human user receiving the
   response.  This decision may be based on any available knowledge,
   such as the location of the cache or user, the Accept-Language: field
   in a request, the Content-Language: field in a response, etc.  The
   default language is English and the default character set is

   Any server or cache may add Warning: headers to a response.  New
   Warning: headers should be added after any existing Warning: headers.

   A cache MUST NOT delete any Warning: header that it received with a
   response.  However, if a cache successfully validates a cache entry,
   it SHOULD remove any Warning: headers previously attached to that
   entry.  It MUST then add any Warning: headers received in the
   validating response.  In other words, Warning:  headers are those
   that would be attached to the most recent relevant response.

   When multiple Warning: headers are attached to a response, the user
   agent SHOULD display as many of them as possible, in the order that
   they appear in the response.  If it is not possible to display all of
   the warnings, the user agent should follow these heuristics:

      - Warnings that appear early in the response take priority
        over those appearing later in the response.

      - Warnings in the user's preferred language and character set
        take priority over warnings in other languages or character
        sets but with identical warn-codes and warn-agents.

      - TBS

   This is a list of the currently-defined warn-codes, each with a
   recommended warn-text in English, and a description of its meaning.

   10 "Response is stale"
                   MUST be included whenever the returned response is
                   stale.  A cache may add this warning to any response,
                   but may never remove it until the response is known
                   to be fresh.

   11 "Revalidation failed"
                   MUST be included if a cache returns a stale response
                   because an attempt to revalidate the response failed,
                   due to an inability to reach the server.  A cache may
                   add this warning to any response, but may never
                   remove it until the response is successfully

   12 "Caching may violate law"
                   SHOULD be sent with any response if the server is
                   aware of any law that specifically prohibits the
                   caching (including storage) of the response.  This
                   may include copyright laws, confidential-records
                   laws, etc.  Such responses SHOULD also be marked with
                   an expiration value in the past, and with a
                   "Cache-control: no-store" directive, to prevent an
                   unwitting cache from storing the value or returning
                   it in a cached response.

   99 Miscellaneous warning
                   The warning text may include arbitrary information to
                   be presented to a human user, or logged.  A system
                   receiving this warning MUST NOT take any automated

   TBS             XXX anything else?

      A note on warn-code 12, "Caching may violate law": some cache
      operators may choose to configure their systems to ignore other
      prohibitions on caching responses.  Although this can reduce
      semantic transparency, it is often appropriate for use with
      network connections of limited performance or availability.
      However, in unusual cases this behavior may violate civil or
      criminal laws in some jurisdictions.

      By sending this warning, an origin server puts on notice
      regarding the legal situation.  This may allow a cache operator
      to avoid legal entanglements, and may also allow a server
      operator to disclaim legal responsibility for improper caching.

      It is not an HTTP protocol error to ignore this warning; doing
      so may, however, subject a cache operator to legal action.
      Similarly, it is not an HTTP protocol error to omit this
      warning; doing so may, however, subject an origin server
      operator to legal action.

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 1996 22:06:21 UTC