Re: Tidy stripping valid code

* Fred Morris wrote:
>I recently installed WeBuilder which came shipped with Tidy. Tidy is
>stripping all the characters from '&hellip', leaving just the '&' symbol.
>I tied to submit a bug report on Sourceforge, but could not find a link to
>submit a report. Is this a known bug?

It most probably is not a bug in HTML Tidy at all, it would be pretty
much immediately apparent to a first time user of HTML Tidy if it had
data corruption bugs like this one. If you can give an example where
this happens with the HTML Tidy command line application including an
input file and all the configuration options used, we would be happy
to have a look, but from your description above I suspect this is a
problem with the third party application you are using.
Björn Höhrmann · ·
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Received on Saturday, 30 November 2013 13:44:38 UTC