Ignore processing instructions

Hi there, 

I'm a faithfull user of Tidy to XMLize near XML files. 

Recently I came accross the following problem: my near-XML file contains 
unexpected processing instructions. They should not be there and are not 
intended to modify Tidy's behaviour. Unfortunately, they do. 

At some point, my near-XML file contains the following:  

<econtext><?idd:break> blah blah... </econtext>

Tidy replaces this with 


and the whole file is gracefully ended with all necessary closing tags, 
ignoring the full bulk of interesting data below this point. 

Ideally, this processing instruction ( <?idd:break> ) would be ignored or 
even suppressed. I don't need it at all. 

Can a new option be created ? I can envision something like heed-procins : 

Another option would be to escape whatever coding is contained in some 
pre-declared elements. Here  any coding in the <econtext> element can be 

The corresponding option to pre-declare such elements could be : 
escape-content-elements : econtext  elem2 elem3 

Thank you for considering, 

Cordialement / Best regards

Christophe Chenon, PhD

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French Translation Services Center

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Received on Wednesday, 6 November 2013 10:52:52 UTC