HTML Tidy in Chrome extension and HTML-Kit plugins

It's been a while since I've posted to this mailing list, but wanted to drop a note about the status of HTML Tidy integration in these projects:

* HTML Tidy Browser Extension
This is a relatively new Chrome extension that makes it easy to run pages through HTML Tidy. It runs Tidy natively on the local computer (not running through a hosted service).

* HTML-Kit 292 plugin
I had a lot of fun integrating Tidy in a GUI app in the early days. HTML-Kit 292 is still freely available and I've updated the Tidy plugin for it to include HTML5 related updates.

* HTML-Kit Tools
HTML-Kit Tools has a dedicated tab/window for Tidy, so you can view differences between the original code and the code suggested by Tidy (diffs are highlighted). It also makes it possible to maintain multiple custom configs within the app: music ahead!)

Thank you for all your efforts.

Received on Thursday, 10 May 2012 17:40:27 UTC