Re: Just beautify, no cleanup

What you're referring to is often called "pretty-print", check out the 
Wikipedia entry and links

"To prettyprint (or pretty-print) is to present an object to a human reader, 
so that it is easier to perceive the object's structure, or, less commonly, 
to simply make it more attractive. A prettyprinter is a computer program 
that prettyprints. Prettyprinters for programming language source code are 
sometimes called code beautifiers or syntax highlighters."

Code Beautifiers
PHP Beautifier, Open source software, designed to reformat and beautify PHP 
source code files
Online PHP Beautifier, Open source software, Online beautifier for php, 
source code is provided under GPL
PHP mode for GNU Emacs, handles indentation
Artistic Style, reformatter and reindenter of C++, C, C# and Java source 
Polystyle, commercial reformatter for Microsoft Windows that handles many 
programming languages plus HTML and CSS
PrettyPrinter, an Open Source beautifier for every programming language
XML Pretty Printer Online, an online version of the XML Pretty Printer
JS Beautify, to beautify Javascript
Perltidy, a reformatter and reindenter for Perl
Jedi Code Format an Open Source code formatter for Delphi (Object Pascal)
JSON Formatter, an online JSON formatter, an online beautifier for PHP, Java, C++, C, Perl, 
JavaScript, CSS
UniversalIndentGUI A graphical user interface for any pretty printer with 
live preview for the formatting settings
GNU indent program Indenter for C and similar languages
VBScript Beautifier VBScript beautifier beautifies VBScript files. You can 
use it for your ASP and clientside VBScript files


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1:53 PM
Subject: Just beautify, no cleanup

Hi there,
I do not want Tidy to change ANY content. I just want indentation. Is that 
possible? I don't seem to get it to work with the parameters.
Best regards,

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Received on Thursday, 22 May 2008 11:14:36 UTC