I'm not clear what I'm missing...???

      Use of uninitialized value in eval string at venus.t line 6 
      perl Makefile.PL works fine, but make gives these errors: 
      t/venus..............Use of uninitialized value in eval "string" at t/venus.t line 6. Use of uninitialized value in eval "string" at t/venus.t line 6. Use of uninitialized value in eval "string" at t/venus.t line 6. t/venus..............ok 2/3# Failed test (t/venus.t at line 34) t/venus..............NOK 3# Structures begin differing at: # $got->[47] = ' <center>' # $expected->[47] = ' <address>' # Looks like you failed 1 tests of 3. t/venus..............dubious Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) DIED. FAILED test 3 
      I'm not clear what I'm missing...???

Serkant KARACA
Senior Software Engineer

Received on Sunday, 16 October 2005 19:45:27 UTC