Re: tidy - congrats and suggestions

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Hi Paul,

I am copying your email to the html-tidy list for the benefit of the
current developers and comments by users.

On Wed, 5 Oct 2005, Paulo Oliveira wrote:

> ---
> All examples are HTML Tidy parsed text in functional HTML/XML files.
> 1) Shouldn't there be a line break before <script ... tags?
> Ex:
> </script><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
> (there is no line break, like if it was an inline tag)
> 2) Shouldn't there be a line break after /script>, similar to the above
> "error"?
> Ex:
> </script><!-- DHTML Menu Builder Loader Code END -->
> (there is no line break, like if it was an inline tag)
> 3) <xsl:text doesn't seem to be correctly parsed
> Ex:
> <xsl:text>
> device-
> </xsl:text>
> <xsl:value-of select="../DEVICE_TYPE" />
> (I don't know why this happened or even if xls:text is to behave like <pre>)
> 4) <edititemtemplate doesn't correctly indent tags inside it, even though I
> identify it as a new-blocklevel-tag
> Ex:
> <edititemtemplate>
> <asp:textbox cssclass="SmallInput" maxlength="3" width="30" runat="server"
> text='<%#
> DataBinder.Eval(Container, &quot;DataItem.SEQ_NR&quot;) %>' id="Textbox2"
> name="Textbox2">
> (I detected this error when using Visual.Net and editing an ASP file - I
> know support is limited, but as other tags are correctly indented, just
> thought I'd let you know about this!)
> 5) <itemtemplate doesn't correctly indent tags inside it, even though I
> identify it as a new-blocklevel-tag
> EX:
> <itemtemplate>
> <asp:label id="Label5" runat="server" text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,
> &quot;DataItem.TR_OBJ&quot;) %>'></asp:label>
> </itemtemplate>
> (I detected this error when using Visual.Net and editing an ASP file - I
> know support is limited, but as other tags are correctly indented, just
> thought I'd let you know about this!)
> 6) <asp:... tags aren't correctly indented inside <td>, even though
> identified as new-blocklevel-tags
> EX:
> <td>
> <asp:button id="pbGetChain" tabindex="15" runat="server"
> cssclass="SmallButton" width="95" text="Get Chain
> Rules" height="20"></asp:button>
> <asp:button id="pbNewChain" tabindex="16" runat="server"
> cssclass="SmallButton" width="95px" text="New Chain
> Rule" height="20px"></asp:button>
> </td>
> (I detected this error when using Visual.Net and editing an ASP file - I
> know support is limited, but as other tags are correctly indented, just
> thought I'd let you know about this!)
> 7) The HTML Tidy meta inserts itself after the head statement and then
> "does" two line breaks... is this how it
> should word?
> EX:
> <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 12 April 2005),
> see <>">
> <title>Storage Type Areas</title>
> 8) <div inside a <form isn't correctly indented
> EX:
> <div class="SmallRightText" style="DISPLAY: inline; Z-INDEX: 134; LEFT:
> 24px; WIDTH: 160px; POSITION: absolute;
> TOP: 136px; HEIGHT: 15px" ms_positioning="FlowLayout">
> Automatic Container definition:
> </div>
> (perhaps this is due to the fact that div is a blocklevel tag? or isn't it?)

- -- 
  Dave Raggett <>  W3C lead for multimodal interaction +44 1225 866240 (or 867351)

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Received on Thursday, 6 October 2005 08:27:23 UTC