tidy inserts linebreaks before start tags in preformatted elements

Hi all

I'm running tidy like this:

$ tidy -xml --indent auto --new-pre-tags screen,programlisting,synopsis

The file I'm processing has content like this:

RewriteRule ^/(.*)$<co id="co1" 
linkends="callout1" />/$1 [L,P]

As specified in the commandline, <screen> is a preformatted
tag. However, tidy reflows it like this, introducing a linebreak
before the <co> tag:

RewriteRule ^/(.*)$
<co id="co1" linkends="callout1" />/$1 [L,P]

Normally this would be fine, but it screws up my preformatted
layout. Is there a way to stop tidy from doing this?

Jean Jordaan
     /courses.html                <-- Zope/Plone training!
    /kursusse.html                    Kom kook saam :]

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2004 06:47:06 UTC