Using tidy to convert from transitional XHTML to strict XHTML

Can tidy be used to alter transitional XHTML into valid strict HTML? My
current focus is on the allowable child elements of the <body> tag. I have a
transitional input file with <a> and <br> tags as children of <body>. When I
run tidy with "output-xhtml: true" and "doctype: strict" in my config file,
it does indeed output a strict XHTML DOCTYPE declaration, but it still leaves
the <a> and <br> tags as direct children of the <body> tag.


Am I trying to use Tidy in a manner for which it is not intended?





Leonard T. Armstrong
Senior Software Engineer
National Board of Medical Examiners <> 
<mailto:larmstrong@nbme.orgPhone> Phone: 215-590-9623


Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2004 13:13:25 UTC