Re: New Site Cleaning Project

At 09:20 AM 3/18/2003 -0800, Fred Christian wrote:
>- Even though I created a tool to export the documents,
>   it was still imperative for the writers to strictly
>   use the correct styles and formatting in their Word
>   Doc's in order to get the desired results.

This is an important point.  If you want to support ongoing maintenance of 
documents in Word, with occasional export to the web, it helps a great deal 
to create some document templates with various styles defined.  These 
styles will flow through to the HTML as classes, allowing you to create a 
CSS style sheet that defines the presentation of these classes.

Also, if there embedded or linked images, you may need to hand tweak the 
links in the HTML.

>- MS Word is evil
I am sure most other word processors are similarly evil.  I have heard that 
recent versions of Word Perfect do a great job of separating presentation 
and markup.  I.e. a document is two files: an XML file containing content 
and a stylesheet for layout/presentation.  Might be worth a look for 
ongoing content authoring.

Also, for storage in a database, you might want to use show-body-only:


Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2003 13:04:34 UTC