RE: Error when running HTML Tidy from NoteTab Pro

Stephen Speck wrote:

> When running HTMLTidy from NoteTab Pro, I get the following error:
> Error: Can't open ""C:\TIDY\config.cfg""

First, this may be more a NoteTab problem than a Tidy problem, so you might
get better answers in the NoteTab mailing list at

NoteTab expects the config file to be "Tidy.cfg" in the NoteTab Pro
directory.  Where it's picking up that ""C:\TIDY\config.cfg"" from is beyond
me -- have you by some chance set an environment variable (i.e., HTML_TIDY)
that overrides the default?  If so, I would either remove that variable
altogether and use the default location and name, or remove the extra double
quotes around the path name.


Received on Saturday, 15 March 2003 18:24:49 UTC