Re: Creating object in ASP

Hi Nick,

For the record, the Tidy ProgId is "Tidy.Document":

   Set tdoc = server.CreateObject("Tidy.Document")

take it easy,

At 01:02 PM 3/11/2003 +0000, Nick Morley wrote:

>I am trying to use the latest COM\ATL wrapper in ASP.  I have registered 
>the DLL and are trying to create the object...
>set tdy = server.CreateObject("TidyATL.TidyDocument")
>and are getting the following error?
>Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3) Invalid ProgID.
>Is this the correct syntax for creating the object?  Also is there any 
>documentation for the methods, properties exposed if they are different to 
>the original august 2000 version.
>Please - any suggestions...

Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2003 10:23:17 UTC