RE: Webpage buttons for HTML tidy? (fwd)

Dave Raggett wrote:

> Andrew would like a graphic he can use to indicate that a
> page has been tidied, like the one's for XHTML 1.0 etc.
> What do other people think?

If some of us were forthcoming, we would have to put it on every page
we've on in the last 3 and a half years.  :)

I've seen such before, as in ...

The "winning" graphic isn't listed any more (it wasn't my submission --
"<i><b>invalid XML!</i></b>" :).

Not sure of the value of such -- it *might* promote Tidy more.  Or not.
But heh, if folks want a graphic, why not?  You could even have a
similar contest.


Received on Monday, 18 November 2002 14:58:13 UTC