RE: Clean XSL documents

Amit Jain wrote:

> I am new to this world of tidy. I have a xsl document which
> consists of some inconsistent html tags. Can i parse this
> string which also consits xsl tags using Tidy. If not can
> you suggest some other way

If there isn't one already, there probably should be a plain generic
XMLTidy (separate program from HTMLTidy), that could assume all elements
to be inline then fed an exception list of block and empty elements.

But using HTMLTidy, in your config file you might try setting

	input-xml: yes
	new-blocklevel-tags: ...
	new-empty-tags:      ...
	new-inline-tags:     ...

Where '...' would represent the entire vocabulary of the document you're
using with each element in its respective place.

Has anybody tried this?  What is the max length of the "new-*" config


Received on Friday, 1 November 2002 14:16:58 UTC