Re: <% symbols causing issues with Tidy

On 19 Aug 2002 at 15:10, Aravind wrote:

>   I am using JTidy to clean up HTML files.I observed that 
> when html content contains '<%' symbols, tidy truncates 
> the content at that point.For eg:, the following content, 
> when passed through Tidy,
>   #
>   #The following formula is used to calculate the % 
> utilization:
>   #<% util>*<speed(bit/sec)>*<interval(sec)>/(100*8)
>   #
> gets truncated/transformed to 
> <html>
> <head>
> <title></title>
> </head>
> <body>
> ##The following formula is used to calculate the % 
> utilization: #
> </body>
> </html>

"<%" is the ASP open delimiter. It looks as though Tidy is getting 
confused by the absence of a matching "%>".

As there isn't an "ignore-asp-delmiters" option, I think your best 
bet would be to use an editor to replace all instances of "<%" with 
"&lt;%" before running Tidy.

Received on Tuesday, 20 August 2002 12:39:17 UTC