Re: PHP support question (2)

In <>, Rolf Hemmerling <> writes:

> a) Where may I find "phptidy" ?

I am not aware of any PHP beautifier, although there is a good chance someone 
has written one. phptidy was given as an example of an "external" beautifier.
Depending on your PHP style, the C pretty printer cb may work.

> My problem is the re-coding of the PHP braces ">" and "<" into "&gt;"
> and "&lt;"
> <?php echo $URL ?>
> into "&gt;" and "&lt;"
> ,
> when used as part of a URL.

> So how might I code right for Tidy, so that the URL contains the URL of
> the "current document in which this code is found", by the help of PHP
> or SSI/SHTML, WITHOUT Javascript/Java ?
> Or is this a "bug" or "missing feature" ?

Since tags and PIs are not valid in attributes, tidy's behavious is correct
(not from a PHP programmer's perspective, of course).

A tidy compatible way that will also survive other editing tools is to change

> <?php $URL ="http://".$HTTP_HOST.$SCRIPT_NAME ?>
> <A href=
> ";from=eng&amp;to=pob&amp;url=<?php
> echo $URL ?>">translate<A>


  $URL = "http://".$HTTP_HOST.$SCRIPT_NAME;
  echo "<a href=\";from=eng&amp;to=pob&amp;url=$URL\">translate<a>";

Klaus Johannes Rusch

Received on Sunday, 4 November 2001 07:43:05 UTC