Re: C++

Doug Kearns wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 27, 2001 at 08:59:10AM -0600, Lee Passey wrote:
> > I have recently successfully completed a conversion of tidy to C++.  Is
> > anyone interested?
> What was your motivation for this ?
> Regards,
> Doug

I have an application in mind that will require loading an HTML document
into a DOM.  The target platform will (eventually) be WinCE.  The first
rule of software development, IMO, is "don't reinvent the wheel".  After
looking around I decided that tidy would be the best source base for
this because a.) it is highly tolerant of poorly-formed HTML, b.) it is
relatively small (have you seen the source base for Amaya?), and c.) it
is well supported in open source and has liberal licensing.

At the outset, let me state that I am a devout believer in the church of
C++, and can bear witness that it is the one, true and living
programming language.  For me, C++ is "obviously" the language best
suited for general purpose programming libraries.

One of the things I will need to do is separate the functionality of
tidy into three groups -- parsing, cleaning, and printing -- and
segregate the code into files according to these divisions, as I will
only need the parsing functions (and maybe a little of the cleaning). 
Moving to C++ as I do this is not terribly difficult, and not only will
it make my use of the resulting libraries easier, it has helped me to
understand the code and how all the pieces interrelate.

I am, of course, not trying to convert anyone else to my religion, I
just figured if there were any kindred souls out there I would share
what I have done.

Received on Tuesday, 2 October 2001 14:03:43 UTC