RE: XML Tidy?

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, Reitzel, Charlie wrote:

> Looks good.  Looks like the pretty printer theory worked out ok.  I put this
> into the "Feature request" tracker on the SourceForge project (and attached
> your diff), so it's in the queue.
> For all interested parties, you can view the feature list Terry has culled
> from this mailing list at
> The more feedback we get about these items, the better (including priority,
> sanity checking, potential conflicts, refinements, "You want it to do
> what?", etc. etc.).
> Question: given the input
> -- INPUT --
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Foo!</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <p>Bar!</p>
> </body>
> </html>
> ------------
> Do you want
> -- OUTPUT A --
> <p>Bar!</p>
> --------------
> or b)
> -- OUTPUT B --
> <body>
> <p>Bar!</p>
> </body>
> --------------
> Your diffs look like you want b).  If so, why?  I'd think you'd want to drop
> the <body> itself so that the document contents, for example, could be
> dropped into a cell in a layout table.
> Charlie

In all actuality, it doesn't matter to me whether a) or b) happens. I use XSLT
in the front end so it's all good. However, I do believe that having the
ability to omit or even rename the body tag is a good feature. I'll start work
on it tonight.

How does this sound:

A new configuration option, "body-tag", a string that can have either "OMIT"
or the actual tag you want to output in place of <body> and </body>. This
feature will only be available when "body-only" is active (because that's
probably the only time it would make sense).

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams  <>

Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2001 18:13:18 UTC