[html-tidy] <none>

First, let me say that I have never used HTML-Tidy, and I only came here
after being asked to investigate xhtml for a standards document.

Nonetheless, I was slightly concerned when I read this on the page

	Examples of TIDY at work

	End tags in the wrong order are corrected: 
	   <p>here is a para <b>bold <i>bold italic</b> bold?</i> normal?

	is mapped to

	   <p>here is a para <b>bold <i>bold italic</i> bold?</b> normal?


I would have thought that the text between </b> and </i> in the first
example should have appeared in italics (certainly that's the effect I've
seen in every browser I've owned), and thus overlapping html tags such as

<p>here is a para <b>bold <i>bold italic</b> italic</i> normal

should have been mapped to 

<p>here is a para <b>bold <i>bold italic</i></b><i> italic</i> normal

Doesn't this make more sense?

-- Mark Whybird, Computer Systems Officer
-- AccessEd (formerly known as Open Access Unit), Education Queensland
-- mark.whybird@qed.qld.gov.au ,  Ph +61 7 3406 2552, Fax +61 7 3406 2546

Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2001 01:39:18 UTC