é Conversion bug

é Conversion bug

é = french e with "accent /", as MSDOS DOS-BOX code,
is translated by tidy (of 4th August 2000 ) to


instead to
which is the right syntax for NC 4.76 to display a é !

The warning message displayed by Tidy is o.k.:
"line 222 column 11 - Warning: replacing illegal character code 130"

Btw, german Umlaute (äöüßÖÄÜ) are translated properly !

      /  /  / Alone on the data highway...
    /     /   like on an allee in Hannover-Herrenhausen
  /  /  /     The Hemmerling (R) WEB site - Rolf Hemmerling, Germany
/     /       http://www.hemmerling.com/

Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 12:27:31 UTC