Problems with HTML 3.2 doctype in 04 Aug 00 Tidy

Dear Folks,

A user reported to me that Tidy was incorrectly reporting a missing table
summary for HTML 3.2 documents. I did some investigation, and reproduced
the problem with both the 04 Aug 00 Mac OS and Windows versions of Tidy.

Sample HTML :

<title>Some title</title>
Missing table summary only applies to HTML 4.x

Running this through Tidy gives :

Tidy (vers 4th August 2000) Parsing console input (stdin)
line 7 column 1 - Warning: <table> lacks "summary" attribute

stdin: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"
stdin: Document content looks like HTML 3.2
1 warnings/errors were found!

I looked at the Tidy code, and saw the following pieces :

attrs.c :

    {"summary",          VERS_HTML40,            TEXT},     /* TABLE */


    /* suppress warning for missing summary for HTML 2.0 and HTML 3.2 */
    if (!HasSummary && lexer->doctype != VERS_HTML20 && lexer->doctype !=
        lexer->badAccess |= MISSING_SUMMARY;
        ReportAttrError(lexer, node, "summary", MISSING_ATTRIBUTE);


lexer.c :

    {"HTML 3.2", "XHTML 1.0 Transitional", voyager_loose, VERS_HTML32},


               /* compute length of identifier e.g. "HTML 2.0" */
                for (j = i + 14; j < doctype->end && lexer->lexbuf[j] !=
'/'; ++j);
                len = j - i - 14;

                s = W3C_Version[0].name;
                if (len == wstrlen(s) && wstrncmp(p, s, len) == 0)
                    return W3C_Version[0].code;


               /* make a note of the version named by the doctype */
                lexer->doctype = FindGivenVersion(lexer, lexer->token);

Basically what happens is that FindGivenVersion() in lexer.c sets
lexer->doctype to VERS_UNKNOWN, rather than VERS_HTML32, because the
wstrncmp() fails to match "HTML 3.2 Final" to "HTML 3.2". But ironically
ApparentVersion() in lexer.c figures out (from lexer->versions) that it is
dealing with HTML 3.2 code.

According to <>, the doctype for HTML 3.2
should be specified as shown in the sample.

If I however change the sample HTML doctype to be :


this causes the incorrect table summary problem to go away.

I see a couple of choices to fix this (and other potential HTML 3.2 problems) :

1) Change the string constant in lexer.c

from :

    {"HTML 3.2", "XHTML 1.0 Transitional", voyager_loose, VERS_HTML32},

to :

    {"HTML 3.2 Final", "XHTML 1.0 Transitional", voyager_loose, VERS_HTML32},

2) Change FindGivenVersion() in lexer.c

from :

                s = W3C_Version[0].name;
                if (len == wstrlen(s) && wstrncmp(p, s, len) == 0)
                    return W3C_Version[0].code;

to something like :

                s = W3C_Version[0].name;
                if (wstrncmp(p, s, wstrlen(s)) == 0)
                    return W3C_Version[0].code;


Regards, Terry

Received on Thursday, 30 November 2000 03:24:43 UTC