RE: For Dave Ragget, tidy bug?

Alf Warnock wrote:

> I downloaded the latest version of tidy because I had a problem with the
> earlier versions I had on my machine. When I run tidy, it replaces & with
> ∓.  If I run it again, I get ∓mp;.

I think you mean that it replaces '&' with '&'.

> I greatly appreciate having this program. Thank you for your work. I hope
> you can fix the bug.

It's not a bug, it's required for well-formed markup.  '&' is the entity
used to represent the ampersand in markup, both in content and in URLs.
This has been discussed here and other lists numerous times.

	<p>Shares of AT&amp;T decreased today.</p>

	<p>Click <a href="quote.cgi?item=price&amp;symbol=T">here</a>
	for a quote.</p>


Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2000 23:52:23 UTC