RE: Extraneous <font> tags

At 16:04 20.09.2000 +0200, Bertilo Wennergren wrote:
>Bischoff, Alex:
> > Many of my co-workers insist on using Dreamweaver (arghh), an HTML editor
> > that is slightly less-bad than Frontpage. Anyhow, I find that it's biggest
> > fault is that it throws in extra <font> tags all over the place..
>Make them use Dreamweaver 3, and whip them until they promise to never
>use that part of the program that produces font tags, but instead only
>use the part that produces CSS instead. It won't be paradise, but neither
>will it be hell anymore.

Dreamweaver 3 can use Allaire's HomeSite instead of the built-in HTML 
editor, and HomeSite provides support for HTML Tidy (you can replace the 
included tidy.exe with a newer version and you can create a custom tidy.cfg 
of your preferences)...

It should not be all that difficult to teach those of colleagues that like 
using Dreamweaver to keep a little bit of discipline and tidy up their 
documents through HomeSite...

Also, as far as I know, Dreamweaver provides a function (under Menu/Extras 
maybe) that combines redundant font tags and also pretty-prints the code...

So, ideally, the process of creating a pretty and valid HTML document with 
dreamweaver would be: make your layout, fill it with content, clean up with 
dreamweavers function in "Extras"(?), send it through tidy.

This should give optimal results (regarding the circumstances).

Sebastian Lange
Maybe the first chat site that validates as HTML
4.0 even though user input may contain HTML codes.

Courtesy to Dave Raggett's HTML Tidy:

Tidy your documents ONLINE:

Received on Wednesday, 20 September 2000 10:46:43 UTC