Re: Bug: missing quotes cause segmentation fault

At 17:51 23.08.2000 +0200, Achim Schaefer wrote:
>The following line of code leads to a segmentation fault with Tidy (vers
>4th August 2000):
><a href="test.html>link</a> <a href="test.html">link</a>

I think we had something comparable about 2 weeks ago, with similar effects.

While my Linux Tidy gives...

>Tidy (vers 4th August 2000) Parsing console input (stdin)
>line 7 column 1 - Warning: <a> unknown attribute value "(null)"

... the SunOS/Solaris version of Tidy gives a segmentation fault in pleace 
of "(null)".

Sebastian Lange
Maybe the first chat site that validates as HTML
4.0 even though user input may contain HTML codes.

Courtesy to Dave Raggett's HTML Tidy:

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Received on Wednesday, 23 August 2000 12:30:47 UTC