hyphens in comments in script tags

Despite using the 'fix-bad-comments: true' setting the HTML comment inside
the script tag isn't cleaned as hoped. The multiple hyphens (---) stops my
XSL-transformation as '--' is not valid XML. Isn't Tidy suppose to handle
this. I'm using JTidy ver. 8jul

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
myRandomNum = Math.round(10000*Math.random())
//--- Preload Images ---//
var idx;
var check;
var maxImages = 14;         // Number of images to preload.
var rollImg = new Array();
for(idx=0; idx < maxImages + 1; idx++)
    rollImg[idx] = new Image();
    if (idx == 0)
        rollImg[idx].src = "/gfx/lc_glbnetwork_usaflag.gif";
    if (idx == 1)
        rollImg[idx].src = "/gfx/lc_glbnetwork_dkflag.gif";
      if (idx == 11)
        rollImg[idx].src = "/gfx/lc_glbnetwork_no.gif";

Erik Severinsen :|: ABnett AS :|: Phone/Fax 66768600/1
erik@abnett.no  :|: Mobile: 91606563

Erik Severinsen :|: ABnett AS :|: Phone/Fax 66768600/1
erik@abnett.no  :|: Mobile: 91606563

Received on Wednesday, 2 August 2000 10:54:47 UTC