Suggested bug fix: Ignore line breaks in URL attributes

[Foiled by our domain name change! My apologies if anyone sees this twice.]

(This is a restatement of the problem described in

If a quoted URL attribute value (e.g., href in <a> elements) contains a
line break, 13-Jan-2000 Tidy changes the line break to a space while IE
and Netscape discard the line break.  This can result in a broken link
in the tidied document.

I believe the following change fixes the problem.  In lexer.c, insert
the following lines before line 2502:

                            /* discard line breaks in quoted URLs */
                            if (c == '\n' && IsUrl(name))continue;

/* existing line 2502 */    c = ' ';

------------------------ Example HTML document -------------------------
    <title>x</title>  <body>
    <!-- Tidy gets this RIGHT. -->
      Unquoted <a href=http://www.w3newline between the 3 and the c;
should link to "http://www.w3"

    <!-- Tidy gets this WRONG. -->
      <a href="http://www.w3"></a> with a newline between the 3 and the c;
should link to ""

    <!-- Tidy gets this RIGHT. -->
      <a href="http://www.w3"></a> with a newline and a space between the
3 and the c; should link to "http://www.w3" (note the space)


Received on Friday, 24 March 2000 13:14:56 UTC