Re: Tidy crashes due to access violation

At 5:38 PM +0100 3/21/2000, Joakim Holm wrote:
>I have just discovered and downloaded HTML Tidy yesterday, and now i have
>been testing it on some ASP files. I have run into a problem, which I have
>been able to pinpoint to some ASP code in an INPUT tag (see example below).
>I have not found anything on this in the archives.
>When I run tidy on this file, it crashes with an access violation
>application error.

FYI, here is what the Mac OS version of Tidy had to say about your sample
(including your config file) - no crash :

MacTidy (vers 13th January 2000) Parsing "Work:MacTidy:bug reports:ASP.html"

"Work:MacTidy:bug reports:ASP.html" appears to be HTML proprietary
no warnings or errors were found

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

    <meta NAME="generator" CONTENT="HTML Tidy, see">
    <title>Tidy application error</title>

      <input TYPE="submit" <% if (Session("MSIE4")) Response.Write("disabled")
      %> VALUE="Ok" NAME="submit">

Regards, Terry

Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2000 02:42:23 UTC