Re: Technique F9

Sorry, I'm doing the annoying thing of double emailing

So if you have two controls and for both tabbing away initiates a change of context

If this is a <select> it fails 3.2.5
But if this use a select only combobox it fails 3.2.2? Because the value is changed at the same time as you tab away?



Sent from Outlook for iOS<>
From: Ms J <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 5:02:40 PM
To: <>
Subject: Technique F9

Hello again

Technique F9: changing the context when a user removes focus from a form element. This fails 3.2.5 change on request AAA

However, what happens for comboboxes like this one where the value is only set when you press tab, enter or space, because then you are initiating a change of context 'on input' surely? So 3.2.2 on input?



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Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2024 17:11:16 UTC