Clarification on Testing Procedure for Text Resize 1.4.4

Dear All,

I am reaching out regarding a clarification on the testing procedure for
text resizing, specifically in relation to success Criterion 1.4.4.

Upon reviewing the provided testing procedure for Failure F94 ( the following
procedure is mentioned.

In a desktop browser with a resizable window:
1. Set zoom level to 100%.
2. Set window size to 1280 pixels wide.
3. Visit the page to be tested.
4. Use any of the following methods to resize text when available:
- the zoom feature of the browser
- the text-sizing feature of the browser,
- on-page controls for resizing text.
5. Check that the text resizes by one of the methods above, and can be
resized to at least 200% of the default.

Now, point number two states that the window size should be 1280 pixels
wide, and the testing technique discusses resizing text using various
methods, including the browser zoom and text-sizing features, as well as
on-page options for resizing text. To ensure accurate testing and
compliance, I am seeking clarification on the following points:

1. Is it acceptable to simply resize the page to 200% zoom using the
browser feature to achieve SC 1.4.4: Resize Text? or
2. Should there be a prior step to adjust the window size to 1280 pixels
wide before zooming the page to 200%, as suggested in the testing procedure?
3. Alternatively, is it advisable to utilize a bookmarklet to conduct the
test resize of text for verification of 1.4.4?
Bookmarklet code:
javascript: (function () {
  const htmlElement = document.querySelector('html');
  const currentFontSize ='font-size');
  const isZoomed = currentFontSize === '200%';
  const newFontSize = isZoomed ? null : '200%';'font-size', newFontSize);

I would greatly appreciate your insights and guidance on the most
appropriate testing methodology.

Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,
Ragu (He/Him)

Received on Friday, 9 February 2024 05:59:38 UTC