(unknown charset) Re: Accessible app requirements

Hi Linda,
Tossing my thoughts in here.
My vote is  yes.
access is about insuring the paths to content  is as inclusive as 
possible.  That also means where the freedom to choose how one reaches that 
content is concerned.
I will add that for some disability embodiment, one might only have app 
related access desires met.
Say the site does not respond to voice browsers for example because  it is 
not based on progressive enhancement.
A company can in theory only dictate the door used if they are also 
providing the keys for that different door.  by which I mean supplying the 
technology and insuring  equatable access in that fashion.
Does that resonate?
Its not about this door or that door, its about this door and that door.

On Tue, 23 May 2023, Linda Noble wrote:

> Hello all,
> I can’t find this information in the W3C site or elsewhere.  If a public
> company has a 508-compliant desktop site, and an app that isn’t, are they
> out of compliance? The app doesn’t have all the features of the desktop
> site.
> Regards,
> Linda

Received on Thursday, 25 May 2023 15:15:29 UTC